Move More

There are 120 hours in a five-day workweek. If you spend 40 hours working each week, that’s one-third of your time — and 2,080 hours total per year. How much of this time do you spend sitting at your workstation? Could you be using more of it to improve your

Desk Stretches

Do you find yourself sitting in front of your computer all day? Take some time throughout the day to do a little moving and shaking in the comfort of your work area. Taking stretch breaks multiple times a day will leave you feeling more focused, relaxed and ready to tackle

Healthy Breakfasts for Your Busy Life

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But some mornings, you may find yourself overwhelmed, out of time and reaching for a breakfast bar while running out the door. Having a gourmet breakfast may not always be realistic during the workweek, but that doesn’t mean you can’t plan

Find Your Joy

Close your eyes. Picture a moment that once brought you joy, a moment that made you smile and feel happy without effort. It could be a hike with beautiful views, the sight of your kids laughing uncontrollably, a nice conversation with someone special, or a time you sat with a

Exercise: The Magic Pill

What if we told you about a magic pill that would improve everything in your life in the blink of an eye? Would you take it? Chances are, your answer is “Yes, of course I would!” Spoiler alert: The magic pill does not exist. But you already knew that. Magic

Eating the Rainbow

Eating the rainbow means choosing a variety of bright-colored whole foods each day. The more naturally occurring colors on your plate at mealtime, the better. By varying your color choices, you ensure that your body gets multitudes of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for proper function. According to,

Healthy vs. Unhealthy Fats

Most people tend to get scared when they hear the word “fat.” However, in order to have a well-rounded diet, you need to consume fat. Fat is essential — it gives our bodies energy and supports cell growth. It also protects our organs, keeps our bodies warm and helps us

Movement is NEAT

Moving more throughout your day is a guaranteed way to improve your health. Researchers say that the more NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) you get throughout the day, the healthier you become. Non-exercise activity is any movement you do that is not a planned workout routine. Standing two minutes for every