Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Setting goals can help you stay on track and motivated, become better at planning and create positive atmospheres. While you may find it hard at times to stay on track and meet your goals, this could simply be because you are not setting your goals properly. When creating a goal,

Are You Drinking Enough Water?

The human body is made up of about 60% water, and our blood is about 90% water. Water helps drive our bodies’ digestive systems, regulates blood circulation, lubricates and increases the functionality of our joints, and keeps our skin clear and hydrated. Without the adequate amount of water, our bodies

Quick Workouts for Your Busy Schedule

For many, it can be difficult to fit time for working out into your busy schedule. But did you know completing three 10-minute workouts throughout your day can provide the same benefits as one 30-minute workout? When it comes to working out, a little bit can go a long way.

Tips and Tricks to Fill Your Plate

How can you make sure your plate is both nutritious and delicious? Below is an example of how to build a healthy plate. The plate consists of 25% fruits, vegetables, protein and whole grains, with the option to add a cup of dairy and healthy fats to every meal. Under

4 Vegetable-filled Fall Recipes

Autumn often has us feeling warm, cozy, filled with holiday spirit — and craving comfort foods. If you think you can’t indulge in comfort foods during the holidays, think again. There are ways to pack these foods with vegetables to fuel your body and increase your vitamins and nutrients! Check

Center Your Mind With Yoga

We are often faced with the challenges and demands of everyday life: work, school, family, household chores, etc. The most difficult challenge of all is navigating yourself through these demands with a calm mind and giving each component the full attention it needs. Yoga can be a great tool for