Pay It Forward

What does it mean to pay it forward? Paying it forward is similar to performing random acts of kindness. It is doing something for another person out of the kindness of your heart, with no motive other than to help them out. Doing these acts is a way to connect

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

During the winter, people may choose to move their daily outdoor workout indoors — or fall out of their routine completely. But did you know there are many benefits to maintaining your outdoor workout throughout the cold months? Even something as simple as taking a daily walk has numerous benefits

Center Your Mind With Yoga

We are often faced with the challenges and demands of everyday life: work, school, family, household chores, etc. The most difficult challenge of all is navigating yourself through these demands with a calm mind and giving each component the full attention it needs. Yoga can be a great tool for

Celebrate Your Success

“The more you celebrate your life,” Oprah Winfrey once said, “the more there is to celebrate.” Rather than waiting for a holiday or a major milestone, actively seek out things to celebrate. Instead of focusing on all of the things you still have to accomplish, spend some time thinking about