Center Your Mind With Yoga

We are often faced with the challenges and demands of everyday life: work, school, family, household chores, etc. The most difficult challenge of all is navigating yourself through these demands with a calm mind and giving each component the full attention it needs. Yoga can be a great tool for

Celebrate Your Success

“The more you celebrate your life,” Oprah Winfrey once said, “the more there is to celebrate.” Rather than waiting for a holiday or a major milestone, actively seek out things to celebrate. Instead of focusing on all of the things you still have to accomplish, spend some time thinking about

Daily Gratitude

Take a moment to read the story below. An old Cherokee was teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves. One is evil — he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed,

Digital Detox

Technology has quickly become the centerpiece of almost everyone’s days. On average, a person watches about four hours of TV per day and uses any sort of digital device, including the computer, for over 17 hours per day. Right now, take a look around to see how many devices you