Macronutrients: The Big Three

Macronutrients, also known as macros, are composed of the three nutrients we need in the largest amounts: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. All of these nutrients provide our bodies with energy, and each has a specific role that enables our bodies to function properly. It is important to consume enough carbs,

Are You Consuming Enough Healthy Fat?

Are you consuming enough healthy fat? According to the American Heart Association, most people are not! Fats get a bad rap even though they are one of the three macronutrients your body needs for survival. Dietary fats are essential. They give your body energy, support cell growth, protect your organs,

Is Bigger Better?

Over the last 20 years portion sizes have not only increased at fast food establishments, but also at restaurants and even in our homes. As a nation we are eating more than ever and moving less each day as we continue to transition from physical to sedentary jobs. When we

Functional Foods

What are functional foods, and why is it important to increase your consumption of them daily? While processed foods or foods filled with excess sugar can lead to increased stress, decreased energy and undesirable moods, functional foods can do the opposite — lower stress, increase energy and contribute to better

Healthy Breakfasts for Your Busy Life

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But some mornings, you may find yourself overwhelmed, out of time and reaching for a breakfast bar while running out the door. Having a gourmet breakfast may not always be realistic during the workweek, but that doesn’t mean you can’t plan

Use Psychology to Shop Smarter

You park your car, grab a cart and enter through the automatic double doors. Immediately, you’re hit with sensory overload — the smell of freshly baked goods, the sound of gentle music playing and the sight of aisles filled with bright-colored, well-marketed items that all seem to be screaming “pick

Eating for Better Health: Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Eating healthy takes perseverance and a consistent, conscious effort to choose better foods. When we regularly consume unhealthy foods and unbalanced meals, internal inflammation can occur. Inflammation can be attributed to allergic reactions, myopathies and immune system disorders and is usually indicated by adding the suffix “itis” (for example: arthritis,

The Whole Truth About Whole Grains

Whole grains have become a hot topic in recent years due to their health benefits. In fact, the most recent nutrition guide released by the USDA recommends that at least half of the grains you consume are whole grains. What does the term whole grain mean, and what exactly are

Dear Protein, What Are You?

Dear Protein, What are you? How do I consume you? Are you really that important? Protein is a hot topic, but it’s actually a lot simpler than it seems. It’s an essential nutrient made up of the amino acids the body needs to build tissue, provide us with energy and