Use Psychology to Shop Smarter

You park your car, grab a cart and enter through the automatic double doors. Immediately, you’re hit with sensory overload — the smell of freshly baked goods, the sound of gentle music playing and the sight of aisles filled with bright-colored, well-marketed items that all seem to be screaming “pick

Eating for Better Health: Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Eating healthy takes perseverance and a consistent, conscious effort to choose better foods. When we regularly consume unhealthy foods and unbalanced meals, internal inflammation can occur. Inflammation can be attributed to allergic reactions, myopathies and immune system disorders and is usually indicated by adding the suffix “itis” (for example: arthritis,

Pay It Forward

When you hear the expression “pay it forward,” you might think of buying a coffee for the person behind you at Starbucks. Though this is a way to pay it forward, it can be even simpler, such as holding the door for someone or sending a friend words of encouragement

Move More for Better Health

There are 120 hours in a five-day workweek. If you spend 40 hours working each week, that’s one-third of your time — and 2,080 hours total per year. How much of this time do you spend sitting at your workstation? Could you be using more of it to improve your

Positive Affirmations

How do you begin your day? Do you take time to tell yourself positive affirmations? How you treat yourself mentally, physically and emotionally create your mood and atmosphere daily. The good news is you have the ability to make sure your thoughts are positive instead of negative. Research shows that

6 Stretches to Improve Your Posture

Maintaining good posture is tough. We sit a lot — at work, in the car, at the dinner table, while visiting with family and friends. Sitting is not a bad thing, but sitting incorrectly with slouched shoulders is. This position tends to happen frequently when we’re not paying attention to

Healthy Eating on the Run

Most Americans are on the run with over-packed schedules and healthy eating low on the priority list. The truth is, people are looking for fast and easy ways to make smart and healthy food choices to fit their busy lifestyle. Here are some tips to help you eat healthy on

Put Some Pep in Your Meal Prep

Nutrition success comes down to one thing: preparation. Not only does meal prepping eliminate stress during the week, but it also narrows the endless options, helping you stick to a well thought out and nutritionally balanced choice at mealtime. The simplest way to meal prep for success involves three easy