Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Setting goals can help you stay on track and motivated, become better at planning and create positive atmospheres. While you may find it hard at times to stay on track and meet your goals, this could simply be because you are not setting your goals properly. When creating a goal,

Stronger Together

We are stronger together. This fact rings true in many ways: Two hands are stronger than one, two heads are smarter than one and two hearts are healthier than one. Connection with others is vital to our survival. Social connections can decrease anxiety and depression, help us regulate our emotions,

What Fuels Your Motivation?

You check your mail, and inside is an invitation to your friend’s wedding. Instantly, you start thinking you want to get in better shape before the nuptials. You start working out daily and eating more mindfully. A week passes, and you step on the scale, only to be disappointed when

Fun in the Sun

Did you know Daylight Savings Time was originally put into effect by Benjamin Franklin as a way to conserve energy? He expected that longer hours of natural light in the evening would lead to less energy needed to brighten homes. Since its creation, Daylight Savings Time has encouraged more than

Unlock Healthy Habits

When you begin to feel stress in your day, how does your mind respond? Do you crave a sweet treat or perhaps a walk or run outside? The brain plays a much bigger role in our healthy lifestyles than we typically give it credit. Our desires don’t surface at random

Always Forward

Fourteen weeks ago, you clicked register. Yes, you wanted to be healthier. Yes, you wanted to invest in yourself. And yes, you committed to 14 weeks of active effort toward a renewed you. As we enter the final week of the challenge, take a moment to celebrate your ability to