Understanding the Nutrition Label

Two of the most important factors in maintaining a healthy diet are consuming proper portions and meeting the body’s nutritional demands. One of the easiest ways to ensure you are getting everything you need to fuel your body is by reading the nutrition label found on the back of food

Meatless Meals

Eating meat has a multitude of benefits. Meat provides our bodies with protein, an important macronutrient that leaves us feeling fuller longer, and vitamins and minerals like B12 and iron, which allow us to feel energized and healthy. But there’s a catch: In the United States, the emphasis on meat

Meal Prep Hacks

One of the most common reasons for not eating healthy is the myth that it’s always time consuming. Eating healthier does take time — it requires preparation and additional ingredients. However, meal prepping can be very simple if you have a plan in place. Below are five meal prep hacks

Making Your Meals Mindful

Imagine you just finished work for the day, and all you can think about is satisfying the unruly hunger that has taken over your body. You haven’t eaten since lunch, and you are ravenous. What do you do? Grab the first thing in sight, and devour it until your stomach

Macronutrients: Do You Consume Enough?

Did you know there are many ways for you to consume your macronutrients (i.e., carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats)? Adding variety to your diet when consuming macronutrients is recommended to ensure you are reaping health benefits from each source. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates supply us with glucose, which is converted to energy.

Healthy Snacking

Snacking refers to the foods you eat during the day other than your main meals. Most of us snack to satisfy a craving, fend off hunger pangs or for no reason other than boredom. Consumed correctly, snacks can be part of an overall healthy eating pattern and do not have

Healthy Fats

Carbs, fats and proteins, we need all three! Fats, in particular, have developed a negative stigma over time. However, healthy fats do exist, and we should be consuming them regularly. What do healthy fats do for our bodies? First, they have the ability to raise and lower our high-density lipoprotein

The Whole Truth About Whole Grains

Whole grains have become a hot topic in recent years due to their health benefits. In fact, a recent nutrition guide released by the USDA recommends that at least half of the grains you consume are whole grains. What does the term whole grain mean, and what exactly are whole