Nutritional success comes down to one thing: preparation!

Set yourself up to succeed by prepping your fridge ahead of time. Start by using the checklist below to clean up, clean out and stock your fridge with healthy, easy-to-reach options. Remember: The convenient choice often wins when it comes to our eating habits!

You can also download and print the checklist here.

Prep for Nutritional Success
Empty it all out Out with the old, in with the new! Take everything out of your fridge and freezer, and discard any expired items or items you do not wish to keep.
Deep clean While everything is out, go ahead and deep clean your fridge and freezer, washing every surface. There’s nothing like a sparkling clean fridge to inspire healthy eating!
Get organized Put everything back in, but do so mindfully. Think about what foods you want readily available in plain sight and what foods you may want to hide away for a special treat. Stock up on your staples: lean protein, vegetables, fruit, etc.
Store fruits and veggies at eye level Cut, wash and prep your fruits and vegetables as soon as you get home from the store so they are readily available for the week. Store them in clear food containers or bins at eye level so they are visible. Examples: baby carrots, celery, sliced cucumbers, sliced bell peppers, apples, grapes, berries, etc. Convenience will help you stay on track in those grab-and-go moments.



Rethink your drinks Is your fridge stocked with sodas, juices or other sugar-filled, calorie-dense drinks? Consider replacing them with water, sugar-free seltzers and low-sugar juices. By keeping a pitcher of water at eye level, you’ll remember to hydrate before reaching for a snack.


Prep your proteins Prep your proteins for quick, grab-and-go lunches. Examples: grilled chicken breast, cooked salmon, hard-boiled eggs, rinsed beans, tofu, cooked quinoa, etc.


Have go-to healthy snacks Make sure to have healthy snacks visible and pre-portioned in your fridge or pantry. Make it simple for yourself, and cut out the decision-making fatigue! Examples: Greek yogurt, trail mix, low-fat string cheese, hard-boiled eggs, grapes, baby carrots with nut butter, bell peppers and hummus, berries, apples, etc.
Megan Petriello

By: Megan Petriello

Written by: Megan Petriello