Protein: An Essential Nutrient for Health and Vitality

Protein is one of the three macronutrients vital for fueling your body and its energy systems. Unlike carbohydrates and fats, the body cannot store protein, making regular consumption essential for maintaining good health. The Importance of Protein in Health Protein plays a fundamental role in promoting and sustaining overall health.

The Truth About Mobility and Flexibility

Too often, mobility and flexibility are used interchangeably, but they represent two distinct, equally important characteristics of physical health. Both play essential roles in slowing the aging process and improving your quality of life, but they focus on different areas of the body and contribute to overall movement in unique

Stress Less: Stress Management Techniques to Change Your Life

“Every day brings a choice: to practice stress or to practice peace.” —Joan Borysenko Stress is something that everyone faces throughout their life — whether it’s because of work, interpersonal relationships, financial concerns or even small day-to-day challenges.  How we manage life’s stress makes a world of difference in maintaining

Movement is NEAT

Movement throughout the day is key to establishing long-lasting healthy habits and maintaining proper health. Simple, unintentional movements — such as walking to your car or cleaning the house — are examples of NEAT exercise, or non-exercise activity thermogenesis. NEAT exercise refers to any movement you do that is not

Macronutrients: The Big Three

Macronutrients, also known as macros, are composed of the three nutrients we need in the largest amounts: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. All these nutrients provide our bodies with energy, and each has a specific role that enables our bodies to function properly. It is important to consume enough carbs, proteins

Quality Water Consumption

Did you know that the human body is made up of about 60% water, and your blood is about 90% water? Water is necessary to keep several of the systems within our bodies functioning properly, including the digestive system, regulating blood circulation, lubricating and increasing the functionality of our joints

Live S.M.A.R.T. With Intentionality

Making significant changes can feel overwhelming — whether it’s starting a new fitness journey, building healthier habits or reshaping your lifestyle. But here’s the thing: committing to change is the first and often most challenging step. Saying “yes” is where the magic begins. Next up? Setting a goal that works