Happiness Happens

What makes you happy? August is Happiness Happens Month and is dedicated to celebrating anything and everything that makes you happy. Happiness is a choice, and being happy doesn’t mean your life is problem-free. Happiness is a life-long pursuit and requires you to make a conscious effort to appreciate and

Stress Less

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your to-do list seems endless, deadlines are fast-approaching and you are totally stressed out? Stress management is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. But what really is stress, and how does it affect us? In honor of National Stress Awareness

Boost Your Happy Hormones

Our bodies are full of neurotransmitters that send messages between separate areas. Some neurotransmitters, like serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins, are considered “feel-good” chemicals. Serotonin and dopamine aid in digestion and help us regulate our moods, learn, remember things, sleep and control our appetites. Oxytocin assists in forming connections with

Forest Bathing

The term “forest bathing” emerged in Japan in the 1980s as a way for the country’s residents to cure tech-boom burnout and connect with and protect the nation’s forests. In Japanese, “shinrin-yoku” means “bathing in the forest atmosphere” or “taking in the forest through your senses.” Science supports the theory

One Minute of Mindfulness

Psychology Today defines mindfulness as a state of active, open attention to the present. Mindfulness is often associated with meditation, but it is helpful in everyday life. Mindfulness allows our thoughts and emotions to pass without judgement. Adopting a mindful outlook on life will keep you present and aware of