The Power of Positive Affirmations

Reoccurring negative thoughts affect the way you succeed, feel, act and perceive the world.  Many people drag themselves down by believing they are not good enough or undeserving. If negative thoughts affect your life, imagine how positive thoughts could change your life. Countless researchers have come to an agreement that

Get Out

“A comfort zone is beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.” – Unknown What dictates the size of a goldfish is its environment. Sure, genetics play a role, but when put in a small bowl, the fish’s growth will be stunted at around 4 inches long, dying before reaching its

Press the Reset Button

The world is giving you a reset button. With unforeseen challenges also comes immense opportunity. You are free from commitments, appointments and overloaded schedules. You are free from excuses. You have a chance and the time to improve yourself, your relationships and your health – and to press reset. You

Put the Stress to Rest

Now is the perfect time to sit down and think about the unwanted friend that may be negatively impacting your health and your life – stress! You know the symptoms that stress can plague you with: anxiety, trouble sleeping, physical aches and pains, feelings of helplessness and irritability; but, did