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5 Push-up Variations to Try

The push-up is arguably one of the best bodyweight exercises for building strength and muscle in your chest and arms. While push-ups are a tried-and-true exercise, some may find them challenging. Others may want to take theirs to the next level. Below, we’ve listed five push-up variations in order from

The Importance of Core Strength

Do you make sure to exercise your core weekly and utilize all of your core muscles? Core strength is not just to create abs; the core muscles are extremely functional in all movements throughout your daily life. When working on your core strength, it is important to focus on your

Bodyweight Training

Bodyweight training is amazing. All you need is yourself, a little bit of space and a strong mindset. However, because bodyweight training does not require weights, questions arise surrounding its benefits and how to best complete it. Below, we answer some common questions. What Are Different Ways to Complete Bodyweight

If the Weather Outside is Frightful

As the temperature begins to drop, the American Heart Association and the Centers for Disease Control remind us of the benefits of working out in colder temperatures. No heat or humidity to deal with! Winter’s chill might even wake you up and make you feel invigorated! Sunlight can help improve

The Mighty Mini

Feeling too busy to work out? Exercising in short spurts may be the answer when you are running low on minutes and motivation. The mini workout requires less time, frequently needs little or no equipment, benefits all fitness levels and promotes consistent exercise habits. Mini workouts are short workout sessions

6 Movements to Improve Your Posture

Maintaining good posture is tough. We sit a lot — at work, in the car, at the dinner table, while visiting family and friends, and more. Sitting is not a bad thing, but sitting incorrectly with slouched shoulders is. Sitting in a slouched position happens when we’re not paying attention