Meatless Meals

Eating meat has a multitude of benefits. Meat provides our bodies with protein, an important macronutrient that leaves us feeling fuller longer, and vitamins and minerals like B12 and iron, which allow us to feel energized and healthy. But there’s a catch: In the United States, the emphasis on meat

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

During the winter, people may choose to move their daily outdoor workout indoors — or fall out of their routine completely. But did you know there are many benefits to maintaining your outdoor workout throughout the cold months? Even something as simple as taking a daily walk has numerous benefits

Partner Up!

A fitness journey doesn’t have be a journey you take alone. While some may enjoy chasing their fitness goals solo, research shows there are benefits of working out with a buddy or a group, even if it’s just a workout or two a week. The benefits of working out with

Daily Gratitude

Take a moment to read the story below. An old Cherokee was teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves. One is evil — he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed,

Meatless Meals

Meat has some very great benefits. By eating meat, we feed our bodies protein, an important macronutrient that leaves us feeling fuller longer. Meat also provides important vitamins and minerals, like B12 and iron, which allow us to feel energized and healthy. But there’s a catch — in the United

Aim for the “U”

Have you ever heard the phrase too much of a good thing is bad? Well, this is very true in regard to your health and wellness and adopting healthy behaviors. Often times we hear about the risks of not participating in healthy habits, but it is also important to realize