The Power of Words

Have you ever heard the story of The Little Engine That Could? In this story, a train must be pulled over a high mountain after its locomotive breaks down. Large locomotives refuse to help because they think they are too important. Then comes along a little engine that, despite the

Change Comes with Challenge

In life, as well as your workouts, growth happens through challenges. We do not grow or make progress unless we push our boundaries and step out of our comfort zones. As you progress with your fitness routine, it’s important to continue assessing the difficulty of your workouts. Challenging yourself is

At a Glance: The 2025 Renewed You Challenge

Evolving is the process of developing or progressing gradually. In life, there is always room to discover new possibilities. Every next chapter may demand a different version of you, so your ability to adapt and evolve is essential. Regardless of where you are on your health and wellness journey, taking

Fitness for Pickleball

Pickleball has been gaining popularity at a rapid pace. In fact, according to the Sports & Fitness Industry Association, pickleball has claimed the title of the fastest growing sport in America, having grown almost 224% since 2020. While golf still ranks the highest sport utilized to build relationships with potential clients

Benefits of HIIT for All Ages

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a great type of training for all age groups. It has many benefits, like improved cardiovascular fitness, increased muscle mass and better body composition overall. In addition to these great health benefits, it also takes less time than endurance or moderate-intensity workouts. HIIT gives you

All In for Life

Some of the best lessons I’ve learned in life came from sports. One particular lesson resulted from a time when my team and I were at practice, going through the motions on autopilot. The only goal we had that day was to get through the next 60 minutes as fast