During the winter, people may choose to move their daily outdoor workout indoors — or fall out of their routine completely. But did you know there are many benefits to maintaining your outdoor workout throughout the cold months? Even something as simple as taking a daily walk has numerous benefits for your mental and physical health.

Importance of a Daily Walk

Walking is one of the easiest ways to get moving and improve your health. Daily walks help you sleep better, fight infections, keep your heart strong and decrease your chances of developing diseases or other health complications. Even a walk as short as a 5 to 10 minutes can help elevate your health and count toward the recommended 150 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per week.

Benefits of the Cold

In colder temperatures, your body works harder to maintain your core temperature. This means your body will burn more calories in the process. Additionally, some studies have shown that walking outside can wake up your immune system while decreasing inflammation, making a winter walk a great way to help fight off colds. Winter walks are also an opportunity take a deep breath. We can breathe easier because during colder months there are fewer pollutants and outdoor allergens.

Benefits to Your Brain

Spending time in natural light can elevate essential vitamin D levels, which can lead to lower blood pressure and stronger bones. Did you know natural light also helps to decrease your chances of having low energy or feeling depressed? Fresh air is one of the best ways to beat the winter blues. While it may be hard to get yourself outside, doing so could boost your mood and wake you up from winter fog.

Steps to Prepare for a Winter Walk

Winter walks can be more enjoyable if you are prepared. This starts with making yourself aware of any hazardous weather and wearing proper clothing. The chart below is a great guide to help you determine what layers you need for the temperature outside.





Winter doesn’t mean you have to stop your outdoor workouts. You might even find outdoor walks to be just what you need to maintain your exercise routine and boost your mood!

Lauren Scotti

by Lauren Scotti

Written by: Lauren Scotti

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