The holidays are a great time to enjoy family, friends and food. However, in the time between Halloween and the New Year, we often find ourselves losing touch with our health and fitness goals. More often than not, this is simply from being out of our normal routines and over-indulging in holiday treats. Fortunately for all of us, there are multiple tips and tricks to help stay on track, while still enjoying all that the holidays have to offer.

The first step to staying on track is developing a plan prior to the holidays. Dedicate time to yourself to stay on track with your workout schedule and decide which tips are easiest for you to adopt while at your holiday parties. Once you have a plan in mind, put it into practice and avoid the common pitfalls of the holiday season!

Tip #1: Rest up! Getting at least seven hours of sleep prior to a big holiday get-together can prevent over-indulging. Studies show that after a short night’s sleep adults ate an extra 300 calories and tended to choose higher fat, higher calorie foods.

buffet-blogTip #2: Choose your first buffet picks wisely! Research suggests that you will consume the largest quantity of the foods you eat first. Start with something healthy and low-calorie like fresh veggies to set yourself up for success.


Tip #3: Pour your drinks wisely! If the party has a self-serve bar, count 1-2-3 when pouring yourself a glass of wine. This will give you a better estimate of a 5 oz serving, instead of just filling your glass up. Many glasses are half full with 10 oz of wine, which quickly increases the 125-calorie glass into a 250 calorie one.

Tip #4: Use a smaller plate! This is a sneaky way to trick your brain into thinking you are eating more. By using an appetizer or salad plate instead of a dinner plate, you will eat 40 percent less and your portion will be closer to an actual serving size.

Tip #5: Step away from the buffet! If you stand more than an arm’s length away from the munchies, you’re less likely to idly reach for unwanted and unneeded snacks every few seconds while chatting with family and friends. Rather, fill a small plate with snacks and step away.

trailrunning-blogTip #6: Concentrate on your meal while you are eating it. Enjoy the smell, taste and texture of each item. By limiting mealtime multitasking, you are more likely to be aware of how your body is feeling and stop when you are full.

Tip #7: Keep up with your exercise routine! Schedule that time with yourself and keep it. If you absolutely don’t’ have time for the daily routine, do a few 10-15 minute spurts of exercise throughout the day to accumulate a full workout. Try walking briskly, body weight exercises or running stairs!

Tip #8: Choose your indulgences wisely. Pick items that are truly special and unique to the season, like your great aunt’s pecan pie or your grandmother’s killer eggnog.

Give your wellness journey a boost after the holidays by signing up for our Renewed You Wellness Challenge 2018: Mindful Movement! This is a free 14-week challenge that encompasses all areas of wellness.

Join as an individual or as a team. The challenge starts on Monday, January 8, 2018.

Contact [email protected] for more information.

Written by: Megan Petriello

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