We all want to be the best version of ourselves – the best parent, sibling, leader, coach, athlete, etc. We are in a self-help renaissance with many books, talks and other resources available to help us achieve this goal. These resources suggest meditating, journaling, practicing gratitude, living health and tracking progress. These techniques are great (and will help), but they all require adding something to our already jam-packed routines. For many of us, adding one more thing can actually feel stressful to the point where we don’t follow through on our plan. So rather than adding a technique, we should first use a process of elimination to help guide us to where we want to be.

This process starts with having an idea of what success means to us. Base the idea on who you want to be, rather than the successes of others. What is the root cause of us getting out of bed each morning? What will bring us the most joy? Write this down on a piece of paper.

Next, take time to reflect on your current habits and responsibilities. Which habits and responsibilities are essential to your well-being? Are there any non-essential ones getting in the way? Sometimes we are surrounded by so many distractions that figuring out who we want to be is difficult. Eliminating those distractions, by recognizing the things that jeopardize your well-being, will bring clarity; suddenly, the path leading to your idea of success will be right in front of you.

Without distractions, we are able to practice habits that lead to our success. The aforementioned techniques will become more desirable to practice every day. We will be able to fill our lives with people and activities that bring us joy, and we will become passionate about improving our well-being.

You are the author to your life. Find success through elimination. Keep it simple, and only focus on the things that truly matter.

Written by: Megan Petriello

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