We spend a lot of time in a rounded position. The way we type, sit, text or eat is primarily done with our heads forward, looking down, shoulders rolled and torsos slouched. This is a comfortable position, but it limits our shoulders’ ability to move well.

Imagine a beaver chomping at a tree for weeks. One day, suddenly, a gust of wind knocks down the tree. What caused the tree to fall? Was it the wind, or was it the weeks of chomping done by the beaver? It was most likely a combination of both.

Now think of your shoulders: The rounded position is the beaver that puts them into a bad position. The gust of wind is sudden shoulder injury or pain that results from activities such as lifting, putting dishes away or washing windows.

To get your shoulders into a good position that allows you to move well and perform optimally, you need to spend time warding off the comfortable rounded state. Try incorporating the following strategies into your weekly routine!

  • Switch sides: If you find yourself developing pain in one shoulder, consider the activities you do every day. Many of us carry kids, lift groceries, brush our teeth, and more using one side of our body. This can lead to subsequent pain on that side from overuse. Switch sides, and do those activities with the other arm.
  • Breathe: You might hold your breath, shrug your shoulders or tense your jaw or neck when you feel stressed or overwhelmed. These small acts add up over time, creating tightness in your shoulder muscles and leading to subsequent pain. The next time you’re exercising or feeling anxious, control your breathing.
  • Focus on good posture: This may seem like common sense, but good posture cannot be emphasized enough. Always sit up straight and walk with a proud chest.
  • Try these exercises: Click here to further optimize your shoulders!

Written by: Megan Petriello

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