With February being heart health month, it is the perfect time to sit down and think about the unwanted friend that may be negatively impacting your health and your life – stress! You know the symptoms that stress can plague you with: anxiety, trouble sleeping, physical aches and pains, feelings of helplessness and irritability; but, did you know that stress also negatively impacts your heart health? Studies have shown that stress can lead to high blood pressure, irregular heart rhythms and the formation of bad habits that contribute to poor health and even heart disease. Think about it: when you are stressed, do you make healthy decisions? Put an end to the unnecessary stress in your life by following these key tips: slow down, get organized and take care of your body and mind.

The first step to managing your stress is to take a deep breath and slow down. You may be thinking, that you don’t have time to slow down, that there is too much to do; however, if you do not take the time to slow down and focus on the task at hand, your end product and your well-being will suffer. Sometimes all it takes is a quick minute to take a step back, collect your thoughts and make a list. Oftentimes, once your list is put in writing, the pile of tasks immediately seems a lot more manageable. From there, simply prioritize your tasks by importance and get started tackling one thing at a time. If you are a person who loves lists, you may already know the feeling of weight lifting off your shoulders with each check mark of completion.

The second step to managing your stress is to take care of your body. Get moving! If you are good to your body, it will reward you exponentially. Exercise, whether it is cardiovascular exercise, weightlifting, or a group exercise class, boosts endorphins, decreases irritability and improves mood. Contrary to popular belief, post exercise, you will feel alert, focused and happier. Don’t have time for an hour-long workout? No problem. Research has shown that the stress-relieving effects of exercise can be experienced even after just a 10 minute walk. By exercising on more days than not, you will not only experience lower stress levels, but various other health benefits as well. The current exercise guidelines for adults are 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity each week. Along with getting regular exercise, eating a healthy diet is extremely important. If feeling stressed causes you to reach for unhealthy food options, plan your meals ahead of time. This will ensure that you do not make rash decisions when it comes to your nutrition. Making time for exercise and fueling your body properly are vital steps to improving your overall health and ensuring the lowest stress levels possible.

Finally, overcoming stress demands taking care of your mind. Your mind is a powerful tool, one that can be easily influenced with self-talk. Does your self-talk tend to be negative or positive? Rather than focusing on the worries and “what-ifs,” concern yourself only with what you have control over. Stop allowing negative thoughts plague your mind, instead think positive. Have you been concentrating for hours and feel like you are at a standstill? Give your mind a relaxation break every once in a while! Try relaxation exercises such as deep breathing or focused imagery. Doing so will have your mind rejuvenated in no time. Below are directions for each method:

Now that you have these stress reduction tips in your toolbox, use them. Don’t let unwanted stress control you any longer. Slow down, prioritize your tasks and take care of your body and mind. It’s time to put your stress to rest!

Relaxation Techniques:
Deep Breathing
• Pick a quiet area where you will not be disturbed
• Sit in a comfortable position. You may also lie down
• Breathe in naturally through your nose for 3 counts then breathe out through your nose slowly
• Repeat until you feel your muscles relax
Focused Imagery
• Pick a quiet area where you will not be disturbed
• Sit or lie down in a comfortable position
• Close your eyes and focus on a relaxing image – think happy place
• Try to imagine as many details as you can – how does it look, how does it feel, what sounds do you hear
• Breathe in and out deeply and slowly
• Practice this image often

Written by: Megan Petriello

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