Moving more throughout the day is a guaranteed way to improve your health. Researchers say that the more non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) you do throughout the day, the healthier you become and the more calories you burn.

So, what is NEAT? NEAT is any movement you do that is not part of a planned workout routine. NEAT helps to prevents chronic diseases and improves your quality of life and mental health.

Consider this scenario:

Abby takes a 45-minute spin class and, based on her individual factors, burns up to 425 calories. If Abby walks her dog for 15 minutes (42 calories), plays basketball with her kids after dinner for 30 minutes (127 calories) and does some light housework for 15 minutes (30 calories), she can burn around 200 additional calories! In one week, her NEAT movement alone burns 1,400 extra calories.

Quick, fun bursts of daily movement can go a long way toward your health and wellness goals — without feeling like a chore. Below are some simple ways to incorporate more NEAT movements into your day.

  • For every 30 minutes you are seated, stand for 2 minutes
  • Walk to a faraway parking spot
  • Take the stairs
  • At home, walk around instead of sitting on the couch
  • Garden
  • Stand or walk while you are on the phone
  • Walk up and down a flight of stairs in between meetings
  • Walk or pace back and forth while you brush your teeth
  • Walk your dog
  • Alternate between standing and sitting while working
  • Take a 10-minute stretch break midday
  • Implement walking or standing meetings when possible
  • Change your mode of transportation when you can: walk, bike, take the train or bus instead of driving

The possibilities for NEAT movement are endless.

This week, take the NEAT quiz to assess where you are, and think about three ways you can commit to increasing your NEAT movements. Make sure to write them down! Remember: When you write something down, you are 42% more likely to achieve it.

Megan Petriello

By: Megan Petriello

Written by: Megan Petriello

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