The alarm clock sounds, and you slowly make your way out of bed. You sleepily stumble to the kitchen to pour yourself a hot mug of coffee or tea and then find yourself on the couch, turning on the TV or scrolling through your phone to catch up on the morning news.

Does this scenario sound all too familiar?

We are creatures of habit. Once we adopt these habits, we often go through the motions day after day without a second thought. You may not even notice that your morning routine could use some improving.

Rather than going straight from one sedentary position (sleeping) to another (sitting on the couch or at your desk), consider starting your morning with a short spurt of movement. How does this scenario sound?

The alarm clock sounds, and you make your way out of bed. You get dressed, lace up your sneakers and head out the door (coffee or tea in hand) for a brisk 10-minute walk. Your blood is pumping as the fresh air and morning sunlight hit your face. You feel awake, exhilarated and proud that your day has barely begun, and you have already accomplished something productive for your mind and body.

Morning movement, whether it be going for a brisk walk or taking five minutes to stretch, can have a profound impact on your mindset and mood for the rest of the day. Not to mention doing so day after day — forming a habit — can have a great impact on your health.

Consider adopting a morning routine that includes movement, and take note of how it makes you feel physically and mentally. If transitioning your full workout to the morning seems unrealistic for you, just focus on incorporating short, gentle morning movements. Here are some simple ways to include movement first thing in the morning:

• Go for a 10-minute walk
• Stretch for 5-10 minutes
• Perform 10 sun salutations, or follow along with this 17-minute sun salutation yoga class
• Follow along with this 3-minute movement flow or this 7-minute floor movement flow
• Follow along with an on-demand yoga class (like this 30-minute calm yoga class)

Remember: The way you start your morning sets the tone for your entire day. How can you set yourself up for success?

Megan Petriello

By: Megan McKee

Written by: Megan Petriello

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