When you receive instruction to add movement to your day, which of the following come to mind?

• Perform a strength workout
• Walk before or after work
• Increase your cardio minutes
• Aim for 10,000 steps per day
• Participate in a group exercise class

Though the above are all great things to implement, adding movement to your day can be even simpler. In fact, doing so can be as easy as standing up every hour to stretch or move your body.

Daily movement is an important building block to living a healthier, longer life. It helps get your muscles moving and stretching throughout the day, which enables you to increase your balance and decrease your risk for injuries. Studies show that even the smallest amount of extra movement throughout the day can lead to better health outcomes.

Below are a few examples of how you can easily add extra movement to your day.

1. Add movement to your morning routine

• Stretch first thing to help your body wake up slowly and naturally
• If you have a dog, take them for a quick walk before your day begins
• Take your coffee on the go! Go for a few laps around your house or neighborhood while you enjoy your coffee and your favorite podcast, audiobook or music
• Walk around your house while brushing your teeth

2. Walk wherever you can

• Walk to the store, a coffee shop or work if you live close enough
• Walk your kids to school or their bus stop instead of driving them; enjoy the alone time on your walk home!
• Add additional steps by parking farther away from your destination
• Take phone calls on the go — walk and talk!

3. Stand whenever you can

• Convert your desk into a standing desk, and try to alternate between standing and sitting
• Stand up when you receive a phone call
• Set alarms on your phone to remind you to stand and stretch every hour of your workday

4. Use your coffee/lunch breaks to walk or move

• Leave your workspace, home or building, and choose another lunch location within walking distance
• Prior to each meal, perform five reps of an exercise (squats, jumping jacks, spinal twists, etc.)
• Encourage walking somewhere nearby for any lunch meetings

5. Take the stairs

• Always use the stairs when you can
• Add stairs into your daily walks as a way to challenge yourself

6. Find movement everywhere

• Waiting for an appointment? Go for a short walk!
• Waiting for your kids to be done practice or a game? Go for a walk, or utilize any equipment/open area available to complete a short workout!

7. Chores equal movement

• Keeping yourself busy around your house is movement!
• Vacuum and clean your house once or twice a week for extra movement
• Move furniture around
• Reorganize your closet to decrease clutter

Movement is all around you, and you may not even realize it. Embrace the opportunity to move more — and move yourself into a healthier lifestyle!

Alexandra Bollinger

By: Alexandra Hoppman

Written by: Alexandra Bollinger

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