Most Americans are on the run with over-packed schedules and healthy eating low on the priority list. The truth is, people are looking for fast and easy ways to make smart and healthy food choices to fit their busy lifestyle. Here are some tips to help you eat healthy on the go:

  1. Think ahead. Planning meals ahead of time will increase the chance that you will eat healthy during those meals. Use one day of the week to plan out the meals for the coming week and only shop for the things on that list.
  2. Look it up. When you know you will be eating out, look up a restaurant’s menu online and decide what you will eat before you go. This will help you make a healthier choice rather than having to make a choice when you are sitting at the table hungry. Look for words likegrilled, broiled, baked, roasted and steamed
  3. Substitute. Ask to substitute side dishes like French fries for healthier options like steamed vegetables, a sweet potato or a side salad. Add veggies to sandwiches to boost the nutrition.
  4. Share. If you must have dessert when eating out, order one dessert to share with the table. If you know a restaurant serves oversized meals, don’t be afraid to share the meal or ask for half of it to be packed up before it even reaches the table.
  5. Pack a snack. Carry healthy snacks with you so you will make smart choices for an on-the-run meal. Try peanut butter and crackers, granola bars, fruit, died fruit bars and trail mix.
Alexandra Bollinger

by Alexandra Hoppman

Written by: Alexandra Bollinger

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