For many people, technology has quickly become the centerpiece of each day. On average, a person watches about four hours of TV and uses some sort of digital device, including the computer, for over 17 hours per day.
Stop and take a look around right now to see how many devices you have near you. These devices could include a phone, a computer, a tablet, a TV, a gaming system or an e-reader. Keep your total in mind — we’ll come back to it later.
With the increase in technology usage over the past several years, digital detoxes have become a popular and necessary way for some to ground themselves and grow their relationships with friends and family members. Thanks to social media, text, email and other applications, it can be easy to become attached to our devices. But these devices can lead to feelings of isolation and make it harder for you to step away and live in the moment you’re physically in.
Stepping away from a specific app or social media platform and setting boundaries for your screen time outside of work can improve your sleep, mood and interactions with others. It can also help you uncover whether technology is holding you back from pursuing opportunities, creating deeper relationships and having a clear mind.
How Do You Know If a Digital Detox Is Right for You?
If you’ve experienced any of the below signs, stepping away from technology and social media could benefit you and your daily mood.
- Increased feelings of depression
- Feeling insecure
- Increased irritability, frustration or anger
- Loss of sleep or interrupted sleep
- Feeling obligated to respond to messages, create a post or react to something posted online
- Finding yourself ignoring personal or professional obligations
- Reduced physical activity levels
- Neck, shoulder and back pain
- Eye strain and headaches
- Feeling a constant need to check your phone, apps and notifications throughout the day
- Scrolling on your phone while watching TV or completing other tasks
- Frequently using your phone to text, check notifications or scroll social media while driving
Think a digital detox is right for you? Here are some suggestions for getting started:
- Set your goals and time commitments
- Turn off notifications from apps, which trigger you to look at your phone more
- Set a timer for your screen time; when it goes off, put your device down or make an effort to do something else
- Leave your phone outside of the bedroom
- Pay attention to the screen reports your phone provides weekly to gauge what apps steal your time
- Plan an activity, like reading, working on a puzzle or doing something you enjoy, to occupy your mind instead of getting lost in your phone
- Check if your phone has a focus mode; this allows you to silence text messages and notifications at specific times of the day so you are not distracted
- Share your goals with friends and family members, and ask for their support
Now, think back to how many devices you counted earlier. How many of those devices could you remove from your possession right now?
By completing a digital detox, you will feel more in control of your life. Put yourself back in the driver’s seat and take charge of how you spend your time by starting your digital detox today!

By: Alexandra Bollinger