Bodyweight training is amazing. All you need is yourself, a little bit of space and a strong mindset. However, because bodyweight training does not require weights, questions arise surrounding its benefits and how to best complete it. Below, we answer some common questions.

What Are Different Ways to Complete Bodyweight Training?

The options are endless! Walking, hiking and running are three great cardio options. If you have access to a bike or a pool, biking and swimming are great cardio options as well. Yoga is another awesome option that requires no equipment and helps you work on your flexibility, breathing and mind.

Almost all strength exercises can also be completed with bodyweight only. Sometimes it just takes a little bit of creativity and access to resources for inspiration. Below are some video resources we offer to help make your bodyweight training more creative and effective.

If I’m Not Using Weights, Is Bodyweight Training Still Effective?

Of course! However, there is a clear difference between using weights and not using weights, so the overall effect on the body will differ slightly. Regardless, you can still give yourself just as good of a workout without using weights.

As mentioned above, sometimes it just requires a bit of creativity. For example, you can adjust the amount of repetitions and sets you do for a certain exercise or an overall workout routine. Generally, people can complete more reps and sets without weights, so feel free to jack those numbers up!

You can also play around with the speed of your repetitions while completing a certain move. For example, if you’re doing a bodyweight squat, try lowering down slowly for five seconds and then exploding back up with each rep, or go down as you normally would, hold for three seconds at the bottom and then stand up quickly. Different speeds introduce more tension and can help mimic similar muscle activity that occurs while using weights.

You can also play around with different leg and arm positioning while completing exercises. For example, experiment with different hand placements for push-ups, such as a wider stance with your hands versus having your hands closer to your body. You can develop great strength and stamina with bodyweight training.

What Is the Best Thing About Bodyweight Training?

It is the cheapest and most convenient way to exercise because no gym memberships or equipment are required! Whether you are traveling, have little space at home or face time constraints, bodyweight training is a great option due to its versatility. You can complete it anytime, anywhere.

A lack of access to equipment doesn’t exist in the bodyweight training world. Use the ideas and resources mentioned above to allow bodyweight training to take you to new fitness heights!

Written by: Megan Petriello

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