Know Where You Are

A new year brings us new opportunities. It is a chance for each of us to hit the reset button and focus on our next big achievement. Many of us hit the ground running with thoughts of where we want to be, but before we get going, we need to

Time to Get S.M.A.R.T. About Your Goals

Goal setting is important for individual and team success. Whether it is health and fitness, professional or personal related, setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation. However, to be successful in achieving your goals, it’s important to avoid the two most common pitfalls while setting them: Choosing goals

Healthy Workday Snacks

It’s 3 o’clock in the afternoon. You took your lunch break at 11 a.m., and you still have two more hours’ worth of work at your workstation. You’re starting to get tired, cranky and hungry, but you’ve been trying hard to be mindful of your caloric intake, and the only