6 Stretches to Improves Your Posture

Maintaining good posture is tough. We sit a lot — at work, in the car, at the dinner table, while visiting with family and friends. Sitting is not a bad thing, but sitting incorrectly with slouched shoulders is. Sitting in a slouched position happens when we’re not paying attention to

Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Setting goals can help you stay on track and motivated, become better at planning and create positive atmospheres. While you may find it hard at times to stay on track and meet your goals, this could simply be because you are not setting your goals properly. When creating a goal,

Are You Drinking Enough Water?

The human body is made up of about 60% water, and our blood is about 90% water. Water helps drive our bodies’ digestive systems, regulates blood circulation, lubricates and increases the functionality of our joints, and keeps our skin clear and hydrated. Without the adequate amount of water, our bodies

4 Vegetable-filled Fall Recipes

Autumn often has us feeling warm, cozy, filled with holiday spirit — and craving comfort foods. If you think you can’t indulge in comfort foods during the holidays, think again. There are ways to pack these foods with vegetables to fuel your body and increase your vitamins and nutrients! Check

One Step Toward Better Nutrition

Improving your nutrition can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! By tackling one nutrition task at a time, you can gradually create a healthier lifestyle, feeling more energized and positive. Below are five simple steps you can take to improve. Remember, just start with one and build from

The Importance of Core Strength

Do you make sure to exercise your core weekly and utilize all of your core muscles? Core strength is not just to create abs; the core muscles are extremely functional in all movements throughout your daily life. When working on your core strength, it is important to focus on your

Eat With the Season

Do you ever want to cook using in-season produce but find yourself unsure what, exactly, is in season? Check out the table below, and get creative with a few of the fruits and vegetables that grow in June and July! Try using some to make a seasonal salad, cook fresh