Fourteen weeks ago, you clicked register.

Yes, you wanted to be healthier. Yes, you wanted to invest in yourself. And yes, you committed to 14 weeks of active effort toward a renewed you. As we enter the final week of the challenge, take a moment to celebrate your ability to continue forward regardless of what life throws at you.

On any journey, there are periods of smooth sailing and stretches of bumpy road. Some weeks, everything can fit like a perfect puzzle piece. Your intentions flow nicely with your day, and motivation is high. However, there are also weeks where unforeseen challenges arise, testing your commitment to your goal.

During these 14 weeks, you have likely experienced both sides of this coin — but you didn’t let that stop you. You kept moving forward.

Our hope is that you adopt this mentality not just for your health, but also in life. March on through life’s obstacles. Know you are stronger than your strongest excuse. Be full of confidence in who you are and hope in where you are going.

The best investment you can make is in yourself. Your passion, excitement and happiness will not only make your life better and push you to achieve greatness, but also help better those around you. Investing in yourself makes you a better partner, parent, sibling, co-worker and friend. It allows you inspire others, giving them hope that they, too, can invest in themselves.

The Renewed You Wellness Challenge may be ending, but your journey has only just begun. We can’t wait to see your progress along the way!

Always forward.

Lauren Scotti

By: Lauren Scotti

Written by: Lauren Scotti

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