“You are your only limit.” —Unknown

Take a moment to appreciate the greatness of human beings. We are able to move heavy objects, solve complex problems, create artistic masterpieces and brighten others’ days when they need it the most. Very few species possess similar abilities. But sometimes our minds create limits, hindering us from recognizing all life has to offer and realizing who we are capable of becoming.

Sometimes we create these limits when an outcome of a decision is unknown, especially if that decision requires us to put in a lot of work. If the result is unknown, we may question if the hard work will pay off and put up a barrier or fail to take action. Other times, we expect a grand change or monumental outcome for our efforts, which creates tunnel vision — another limit. Our only focus becomes achieving that one big thing. However, achieving that big goal isn’t the only valuable payoff.

Think of your monumental goal as a bonus in the grand scheme of life. The journey and each small triumph or smile along the way are the real rewards. Whether the outcome is known or unknown, grand or small, realize how much you truly have to give, recognize all the beauty in this world and understand putting in the hard work is worth it. The journey will help you understand you are the only person who controls your limits.

Life is filled with so many opportunities waiting to be acknowledged. Building a limitless lifestyle allows you to see those opportunities and creates a “Yes, I can” mindset to push through any obstacle. You are only as strong as you think are. You will only see what you focus on. You can jump as high as your ceiling allows, and you can go as far as your path extends. You create your own potential. Only one person determines what you are capable of becoming — you.

You have accomplished so much to date. Celebrate those achievements, and use them as fuel to continuously move forward. You are limitless.

Written by: Megan Petriello

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