Upon joining the USLI community in 2013, Michelle started on her wellness journey and laid the foundation for the changes she wanted to make in her life. However, it wasn’t until 2018 that she got serious about these changes and began to make great strides. Michelle learned about portion control as well as the importance of filling her plate with colorful fruits and vegetables. She also began using the Hello Fresh delivery service to help keep her on track and create healthy, nutrient dense meals. Michelle attends various group exercise classes, participates in Slainte challenges, walks frequently with her dogs and personal trains once a week. While we’ve been remote, Michelle has participated in the Work From Home Wellness program and has attended the daily stretch every day. She has also continued to personal train with her daughter at home. Through her efforts and consistency, Michelle has lost over 81 pounds and 10 clothing sizes. Michelle has been a disciple of wellness, encouraging her Claims team members to move more, stretch together and share healthy snacks in the office. We are so proud of all that you’ve accomplished, Michelle. Thank you for demonstrating that hard work truly does pay off!