Energy is everything. It is the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity.
As human beings, our source of power is energy. We are constantly using it to carry out each movement, each thought and each basic function throughout our days. Fortunately for us, energy is a renewable resource.

Here are three tips to renew and maximize your energy daily.

1. Make quality sleep a high priority.

Getting an adequate amount of sleep is the first — and most important — step to maximizing your energy during the day. While sleep requirements vary slightly from person to person, most healthy adults require seven to nine hours per night to function at their best.

According to research by the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School, a lack of sleep can affect judgement, mood and the ability to learn and retain information. That means your concentration, working memory and logical reasoning are all negatively impacted by sleep deprivation.

If you struggle with getting quality sleep, nail down what is holding you back. Are you not allotting yourself enough hours? Try moving your bedtime back 10 minutes per week until you reach a more reasonable time. If falling asleep is difficult for you, try winding down at least 30 to 45 minutes before you want to be asleep. Winding down means avoiding stimulating activities like checking your email, doing work or discussing emotional issues.

If you suffer from a racing mind just prior to bedtime, spend five minutes reflecting on what’s on your mind. Write down anything that’s worrying you. Putting your worries and racing thoughts down on paper will allow your mind to let go of them for the night and help you get to sleep.

2. Organize your workday with breaks at least every ninety minutes.

It’s not how long you work that determines how productive you are — it’s the energy you bring to the time you are working. Read that again.

Research shows humans work best when they engage in medium-length bursts of work, followed by short breaks. Each break is a time to get up, move around, drink water or take some deep breaths. It can be as short as two to five minutes as long as it gets you up and refreshes your mind and body.

For example, work on a single task with full focus for 25 minutes, then take a five-minute break. Repeat that cycle. If that feels too short for you, extend the burst of work up to 90 minutes, but be sure to use your break to refocus and reenergize before the next burst of work. Doing this will cause you to be so laser focused during the time you are working that you can actually get more accomplished. Plus, your body will feel better because it’s not remaining stationary for hours at a time.

3. Exercise midday.

What time do you typically feel your energy drain? For most of us, it’s between 1 and 4 p.m. Fatigue sets in, and we feel the need for a caffeine pick-me-up.

Rather than waiting for the afternoon slump, prevent it by using your lunch hour to your advantage. As frequently as possible, use lunchtime to refresh your mind and body with a workout. You will return to your desk with a clear mind, lowered anxiety and increased energy to finish out the rest of your day.

If you can’t escape for an hour, take a brisk 15-30 minute walk outside. It doesn’t have to be complicated, you just need to move your body.

Using these tips is a sure way to recharge your energy and ensure you are functioning at your best. You have nothing to lose — and so much energy to gain!

Written by: Megan Petriello

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