In July of 2017, Julie was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, a potentially degenerative disease of the nervous system. Rather than letting this diagnosis lower her spirits, Julie viewed it as an opportunity to kick-start a healthy lifestyle in an effort to combat the symptoms. Regular exercise and healthy eating are now part of her weekly routine. Julie has consistently exercised weekly by doing cardio, weight lifting and personal training. She has developed healthy eating habits for herself and her family by utilizing the recipes that Slainte shares. Since her diagnosis, she is down 20 pounds, and more importantly has increased energy levels, focus and balance throughout her day. Julie always maintains a positive attitude, high spirits and pushes others to join her with exercise. She is truly an example of how nothing should hold you back from striving to achieve your health and wellness goals. Please join us in congratulating Julie on this well deserved recognition.

Written by: Lauren Scotti

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