A year and a half ago, Kristen made the decision to jump all in and embark on a wellness journey. As a new mom, that meant finding balance and making time for her health. Kristen can be seen pushing herself, whether it be running, fitness classes or personal training in Slainte. Kristen has a positive, “I’ve got this” attitude, and nothing stops her from reaching her goals. She completed her first 5K in March. Since then she has run multiple races and is now training for her first 10K! Kristen also dramatically improved her nutrition, focusing on whole foods that fuel her and meal prep for herself and her family. These decisions along with her hard work have led her to lose over 60 lbs. and be in the best shape of her life. We are so proud of you Kristen, and love watching your confidence soar!

Written by: Megan Petriello

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