The school bells are ringing, the weather is cooling off and the leaves are beginning to change.  In many ways, the fall season is like a fresh new start to the year.  So why does everyone wait until the New Year to begin making changes and to set their goals and resolutions?  Why spend another four or five months waiting to make a change? There is no better time than now, to set goals, make them a priority and start making progress!  If you’re looking to fall into good health habits and reach your goals this year, create a S.M.A.R.T. goal, prioritize and incorporate more daily activity into your fall routine.

The first step on the road to success is to create a S.M.A.R.T. goal.  What is a S.M.A.R.T. goal?  It is a goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, recorded and time stamped.  In other words, your goal should be as specific as possible.  It should also be something that can be measured and is reasonably achievable.  For example, don’t just claim you want to “get in shape.”  Instead, set a goal to improve your body composition by increasing your lean body mass and decreasing your body fat by a certain percentage.  You should record or write this goal down and place it somewhere you will see it and be reminded of it often.  Finally, your goal should be time stamped.  Give yourself a certain period of time to achieve this goal. You can create short-term goals, long-term goals or both. Think about what you would like to work toward this year, and set goals accordingly. Your goals can be fitness-related, nutrition-related or perhaps just about making lifestyle changes to attain better overall health.  After you set your S.M.A.R.T. goal, you are ready to move on to the prioritizing and planning stage!

The second and perhaps most essential step to adopting great health habits is planning and prioritizing.  The weather is not the only thing that changes in the fall.  Schedules may change with kids returning to school, and with changing schedules comes chaos. Planning is essential to following through with any goal.  We often fail to make our wellness goals a top priority, and this lack of planning and prioritizing can lead to inconsistency.  Your health and wellness is important!  It should be made a top focus and planned out accordingly. Consistency breeds routine, and routine leads to the formation of habits. Even just writing your workout schedule on a calendar somewhere you will see it on a daily basis can help you stay on track and stick to your goals.  Need extra motivation? Reward yourself for planning and following through.  Use a calendar to plan your workouts or your nutrition schedule; if you stay on track throughout the month, treat yourself to something you’ve had your eye on!

Finally, make a conscious effort to incorporate more daily activity into your fall routine. Fall is a beautiful time of year and a great opportunity to get outdoors and get active!  The leaves are changing, the weather is cool and crisp, and simply going for a walk with a friend can help you to de-stress, connect socially and get some exercise without feeling like it is a chore.  Speaking of chores, don’t dread your fall chores!  Many of them are packed with hidden cardiovascular exercise and calorie burning movements. Think of it as multitasking! Do you dread raking the leaves?  Raking can burn up to 315 calories in just one hour!  Need more ideas on how to make small changes that can create a big difference?  When arriving at work or while running errands, park farther away in the parking lot.  Other small changes can include taking the stairs over the escalator or elevator, walking the dog for five extra minutes, or picking a healthy, nutrient-dense snack over one filled with empty calories.  You may be thinking, “Those things won’t make a difference; they are only small changes,” but small changes add up, and before you know it, you’ll see and feel the big changes.  A journey always begins with one single step; take it.

Don’t wait any longer; set your goals, make a plan and reach for them now. Your health is worth it.  You are worth it.


Written by: Megan Petriello

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