Summer is finally here and with it comes the excitement of outdoor activities. Summer is also the perfect time to move your workouts from the cool climate of the fitness center to the humid arena under the sun. You’ve been there before; excited and ready to embark on your run, bike ride, or walk in the 90 degree weather. As you set off, you feel good and energetic — but then it hits you, like a brick wall, your momentum stops and suddenly your body and mind succumb to a feeling of fatigue. All you can think about is being inside with a glass of ice-cold water and your feet up on the couch. You ask yourself what happened and if there was something you could have done to avoid this. The answer is YES. There are three questions we must ask ourselves before we enter the hot and humid outdoors:
1. Am I hydrated?
2. Am I fueled?
3. Is my skin protected?
Water is a vital part of our bodies because it carries nutrients, eliminates waste products, lubricates the joints and helps regulate bodily functions, including our temperature. When we exercise, our bodies become hotter and, to regulate our temperature, the body releases sweat. When this happens, we also lose water from our body. To optimize our body’s hydration, it is important to drink water throughout the day. The average adult male needs 13 cups of water per day, and the average female need 9 cups per day. Exercise, especially in the heat, requires a higher intake of water and other fluids. Use these guidelines to stay hydrated during and after exercise:
 Before Exercise
• 15 minutes before – Drink 8-12 ounces of water
 During exercise
• Drink 3-8 ounces of water every 15 minutes
 After Exercise
• Continue drinking water throughout the day
Your body has many ways of telling you when to stop exercising during hot summer days. If your ever experience any of the following symptoms stop exercising immediately, find a shaded area, and begin to hydrate with water or a sports drink. If your symptoms do not subside within 30 minutes, contact a medical professional.
• Headache
• Dizziness
• Confusion
• Nausea or Vomiting
• Vision Problems
• Muscle Cramps
• Excessive Sweating
• Fatigue
• Racing Heart

Hydrating alone is not sufficient enough for our bodies to function; we also need to fuel our bodies. Carbohydrates are our body’s main source for energy, and eating a well-balanced diet will allow you to perform at a high level. Individuals who are more active will need to consume more carbohydrates because their energy demands are higher. A great way to start your day is to eat a well-rounded breakfast with protein, carbohydrates, and fat. For example, a well-balanced breakfast would be a vegetable omelet, wheat toast and yogurt with fruit. Whole grain and whole wheat foods such as oats, wheat and rice are also a great source for carbohydrates, fiber, and other nutrients. Eating fruit is a quick and simple way to add healthy carbohydrates throughout the day and before or after exercise. It tastes great and provides a burst of energy to spark your training session or recover from a workout.
Finally, protecting your skin while exercising outside is very important. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer over the course of their lifetime. Most of these cancers are preventable by taking the proper precautions when outside in the sun. Applying sunscreen year-round and wearing protective clothing are two great ways to reduce your chances of exposure to harmful rays. Here are some other tips to help prevent harmful sun exposure:
• Don’t use tanning beds
• Stay in shaded areas between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
• Wear hats, UV blocking sunglasses, and breathable clothing
• Use broad spectrum SPF 15 or higher
• Apply sunscreen 30 minutes before exposure and every two hours spent in the sun
• Plan out your day and bring enough sunscreen for all-day protection
Exercising outside is a great way to mix up your workout, and also de-stress from a busy week. To learn more about proper hydration, fueling, and sun protection visit the links below. Have fun, be safe, and enjoy your summer!

Written by: Megan Petriello

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