Eating well can be a difficult task. Finding time to cook, shopping for the right ingredients and making sure that your meals are fresh and nutritious can make healthy eating more complex. What if you do not have a diverse selection of fresh ingredients? What if you travel often and only have access to airport and hotel food?

The Global Business Travel Association estimates that Americans take about 488 million business trips a year, with 1.3 million trips taken daily. Due to the rise of convenient fast-food restaurants and limited movement throughout the day, keeping a normal wellness routine when you are away from home becomes even more challenging. Here are some tips to help you eat healthy on the road.

Healthy Eating Starts Where You Stop

If you are traveling by car, you will have many options for lunch and dinner. One of the best ways to avoid unhealthy foods is to not have them available. Instead of stopping at the closest bar or buffet, choose a restaurant that offers healthy alternatives and be aware of bars or restaurants that sell alcohol because they are more apt to selling greasy, fried foods filled with trans fats.

Healthier Fast Food Options

If fast food is your only option or if you were roped in by your business buddies or friends, there are hacks that you can use for damage control when eating out at fast food restaurants.

  • Ask the employee at the counter if they have a healthy menu option or material that states all of the company’s products and their nutrition facts. Looking at this can sometimes sway your appetite to something that looks healthier on paper.
  • Order foods that are grilled rather than fried. For example, a grilled chicken sandwich to substitute a crispy chicken sandwich. This will reduce the amount of unhealthy fat that you are putting into your body.
  • Substitute a bun for a whole-grain wrap or no bun at all. Some restaurants will even wrap your sandwich with lettuce if you ask them to.
  • Avoid drinking sodas or other beverages filled with sugars such as juice, iced tea and lemonade; always choose water and, if ordering a salad, ask for dressing on the side.

Pack Fresh Meals and Snacks

Packing your own meals and snacks is the healthiest option when you are traveling. If your mode of transportation is by car, pack a cooler filled with fresh fruits and vegetables and homemade meals wrapped in plastic wrap or tin foil. If traveling by plane, pack some healthy non-perishables, such as almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds and dried fruits.

Choosing Foods at Pit-Stops

When making a pit-stop at a convenience store or gas station, avoid the middle isles filled with items such as chips, doughnuts, sweets and other salty snacks. Instead, stick to the perimeter of the store which will usually have a couple of refrigerator isles packed with fresh sandwiches, hard boiled eggs, fruit and healthy dairy products, such as Greek yogurt.

Megan Petriello

by Megan McKee

Written by: Megan Petriello

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