“My mama always said life is like a box of chocolates,” Forrest Gump famously said. “You never know what you’re gonna get.”

The comparison of life to a box of chocolates highlights the fact that there is so much that happens in our existence that is out of our control. Just as you might close your eyes and pick a chocolate from the box that you really dislike, sometimes the same goes for life and our unexpected obstacles.

While most chocolates you choose will be enjoyable, and most days will bring you joy, it is inevitable that we all go through some hardships in life. Whether it is wishing for something that doesn’t happen, being cut off in traffic or receiving bad news, it is important to learn how to stay positive in negative situations.

Having a positive outlook can improve the quality of your life and decrease your overall stress to help you cope through hardships. Our brains are directly linked to our physical health. When you are more positive, it can result in health benefits such as lower blood pressure, a decreased chance of heart disease, healthier blood sugar levels, improved immunity and much more.

Below, explore tips and ideas for staying positive and overcoming any turmoil that might come your way.

  • Don’t ignore the problem

Face what you are going through head on. If you ignore the problem, there is a chance that it will never be resolved, or it will drag on longer than it should.

  • Realize the hardship isn’t permanent

When going through a difficult time, it is easy to forget that the hard times will not last forever. It is important to remind yourself that what is causing you stress is temporary.

  • Focus on the solution rather than the problem

Make a plan to tackle the problem and come up with a solution. When possible, break your solution down into small, tangible steps to help yourself get started.

  • Rephrase negative self-talk

Start by quieting the inner critic in your mind. Reframe negative thoughts into positive ones. Rather than saying, “I can’t do this,” try saying, “I will do my best and break this task down into small, manageable steps.”

  • Exercise

Exercising has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety as well as boost feel-good hormones. If you dedicate 30 minutes of your day to working out, you are guaranteed to feel better and return with a clearer mind.

  • Journal

When you are feeling stressed or angry about a situation, take the time to write down exactly what’s bothering you. Writing it down on paper can help make situations feel less overwhelming.

  • Express gratitude

Even during great personal turmoil, there are still things to be grateful for. Remember the things that are going right for you at the moment. Take time out of your day to journal and write down the things you appreciate. Take it a step further by telling the people around you why you are grateful for them.

  • Reach out to loved ones for support

Rather than keeping all your emotions built up inside of you, contact your friends or family. Talking out loud about what you are going through can help you get peace of mind and a different perspective.

  • Let yourself take a break and relax

Take a step away from what is stressing you out, and allow yourself some time to do what makes you happy. Use this time to breathe, release negativity and recenter.

  • Focus on things you can control

Ask yourself, “Can I fix this?” If the answer is no, it is out of your control, and it will be easier to let the negativity go. For example, if someone cuts you off in traffic, that’s not something you can control, so there’s no use in letting it ruin the rest of your day.

By incorporating one or more of these tips, you can be on your way to a more positive outlook and overcome any obstacle that comes your way!

Carolyn Dziewa

by Carolyn Dziewa

Written by: Carolyn Dziewa

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