Movement is a necessary part of a healthy lifestyle. Our bodies are designed to move, and living a sedentary lifestyle can have a significantly negative impact on how our bodies function. Moving throughout the day is a guaranteed way to improve your overall health and well-being, increase your brain function, lower your risk of disease and promote better sleep habits.

Numerous studies show movement helps us feel better physically and emotionally. Moving can stimulate weight loss, boost energy levels, increase mobility in joints and tendons, burn calories and assist with better body functioning overall. And movement does not just mean going to the gym to work out — it also means moving regularly, like walking or doing light activity, whenever possible. Researchers say that the more non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) you do throughout the day, the healthier you become and the more calories you burn.

So, what is NEAT? NEAT is any movement you do that is not part of a planned workout routine. NEAT helps to prevent chronic diseases and improves your quality of life and mental health. Contrary to outdated beliefs, you don’t have to exercise for hours in a fitness facility to enjoy the benefits of movement. Low-impact and aerobic activity throughout the day are the keys to a healthier lifestyle. Listed below are simple-yet-effective ways to add movement to your daily life:

  • Use a standing desk and alternate between periods of sitting and standing
  • Take a walk at lunch
  • Skip the elevator/escalator and use the stairs
  • Walk on a treadmill while watching TV
  • Dust your furniture
  • Vacuum your house
  • Walk your dog
  • Dance
  • Garden
  • Incorporate activity into your social life — play pickleball, walk around the mall, go for a walk or hike together
  • Park farther away from store or office entrances; enjoy the extra steps
  • Stand up and stretch/move for 1 minute every hour of your workday

The benefits of movement are cumulative, and even small intervals (1-5 minutes) of light activity to break up periods of prolonged sitting can improve your fitness. The bottom line is to move more frequently and incorporate movement as often as you can into your daily routine. Just keep moving!

Caitlin Kemmerer

by: Caitlin Kemmerer

Written by: Caitlin Kemmerer