The human body should be synonymous with a well-oiled machine, with multiple systems working together to maximize performance. Sleep, exercise, stress management and nutrition all play pivotal roles in how we feel and perform. When it comes to fitness, what you eat before and after your workout can significantly impact your energy levels, recovery and overall progress. Fuel your body properly, and you’ll experience increased endurance, muscle growth and reduced body fat. Neglect your nutrition and workouts, and your results will suffer.

Fueling Your Workout

The body primarily relies on two key energy sources: carbohydrates and fat. For lower-intensity activities such as watching TV, doing household chores or walking through a store, the body primarily burns fat for fuel. However, as exercise intensity increases — whether through weightlifting or cardio — the body shifts to a more efficient energy source: carbohydrates.

While it’s possible to exercise with low carbohydrate intake, doing so can limit your performance, reduce endurance and hinder muscle growth. Consuming the right nutrients before your workout ensures you have the energy to push yourself harder, increasing the effectiveness of your training session. The timing of pre-workout nutrition has long been a topic of discussion. Too soon before a workout and you risk feeling sick; too far in advance, and the body digests and utilizes those nutrients before the workout. While our bodies have individual needs, start a couple of hours out from your planned workout time, and gradually decrease that time as you learn your own body’s energy levels within the workout.

Best Pre-workout Foods:

  • Complex carbohydrates (oatmeal, whole grain toast, sweet potatoes) for sustained energy
  • Lean proteins (chicken, eggs, Greek yogurt) to support muscle function
  • Healthy fats (avocado, nuts, nut butter) for longer-lasting fuel

Post-workout Fueling

While pre-workout nutrition fuels performance, post-workout nutrition is all about recovery and adaptation. After exercise, your body craves nutrients to repair muscle tissue, replenish energy stores and prepare for your next workout. Neglecting post-workout nutrition can slow recovery, hinder progress and increase the risk of plateaus.

Best Post-workout Foods:

  • Lean proteins (grilled chicken, salmon, protein shake) to repair and build
  • Carbohydrates (rice, fruit, quinoa) to replenish glycogen stores
  • Hydration and electrolytes — Proper hydration promotes better growth and repair in the body

Provide your body with the nutrients it needs throughout the day and through the many activities you perform and witness the transformation that ensues.

Davon Randolph

By: Davon Randolph

Written by: Davon Randolph