We have reached a point in our society where screens are unavoidable. We are constantly surrounded by them — whether at work, looking at a computer, or at home, watching TV or scrolling on social media. While it may not be possible to completely remove screens from our lives, there are ways to reduce the time we spend in front of them.

Cutting back on your screen time can lead to benefits such as reduced stress, improved sleep and a better work-life balance by creating boundaries between your professional and personal lives. Other benefits include reduced FOMO, less social comparison and a more positive perspective on life.

One significant aspect of screen time today is social media. While social media has its positives, like helping us stay connected to friends and family we don’t see often, it also has many downsides. Social media can become addictive because most platforms have a never-ending stream of content. Also, people often post only the highlights of their lives, which creates an unrealistic view of others’ quality of life. This can lead to comparison as we scroll.

While some parts of social media, like Instagram Reels or the TikTok “For You” page, are uncontrollable, other aspects are within our control. We can choose who we follow and what we see in our feed. It’s important to recognize which accounts bring you joy and which ones don’t. Unfollowing negative accounts, including people, is vital for maintaining good mental health while scrolling. Most social media platforms also have a “mute” feature, allowing you to still follow someone without seeing their posts in your feed. After unfollowing or muting negative accounts, consider replacing them with these positive Instagram accounts:

  • @selfcareisforeveryone
  • @myselflovesupply
  • @positivelypresent
  • @powerofpositivity
  • @selfcarewithwall
  • @thatgoodnewsgirl

If you want to try a digital detox, here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Leave your phone in another room when you need to focus
  • Create device-free zones in your home, such as the dinner table and your bedroom
  • Limit yourself to one screen at a time
  • Use the 20-20-20 rule to avoid eye strain: After 20 minutes of screen time, look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds
  • Turn off unnecessary app notifications
  • Ditch your phone during family and friend gatherings to enjoy each other’s company and build deeper relationships
  • Set custom focus settings on your phone if it has a focus tool
  • Pay attention to your screen time report to see which apps are taking up most of your time
  • Set a time limit for apps that you use most frequently to get a notification when you surpass your allotted time
  • Find a replacement activity for times you’d normally reach for your phone, such as doing a quick stretch or reading a few pages of a book
  • Plan enjoyable, device-free activities:
    • Listen to music or a podcast
    • Play board games or work on puzzles
    • Bake or cook
    • Engage in self-care activities
    • Get active
    • Spend time outdoors
    • Read a book
    • Try a new arts and crafts project

With these tips in mind, you have the tools to start your own digital detox. Try going one hour device-free on three different days this week and challenge yourself to step away from screens!

Megan DiPietro

By: Megan DiPietro

Written by: Megan DiPietro