Did you know people with strong social bonds live 50% longer than those with fewer social connections? Not only does social connection affect us on a personal level, but it also affects our communities. Strong social connections strengthen communities by building trust and resilience within them. Having strong bonds within a community can also encourage people to give back.

On the individual level, social connectedness benefits our physical and mental health. Strong social bonds help prevent serious illness and mental health struggles, like heart disease, stroke, dementia, high blood pressure, depression and anxiety. Social connection also improves sleep, well-being and overall quality of life. Having good relationships with others can give us increased feelings of belonging, purpose and confidence. Through connecting with others, we are also better able to cope with stress, anxiety and depression. Along with these mental health benefits, studies show people who feel more connected with others are more confident, empathetic, trusting and cooperative.

Below, browse some tips to boost your social connections.

Establish and maintain social connections: Keep in regular contact with others. Whether through a phone call or finding time to grab coffee with a friend, sustaining your current social bonds is a great way to increase feelings of connectedness.

Consider the support you give, receive and have available to you:

  • Even when it feels difficult to ask for help, reach out to your support system
  • Provide support to others
  • Take care of yourself

Strengthen the quality of your social connections: Find ways to be responsive, supportive and grateful to others. Showing gratitude can go a long way.

Address barriers to social connections: Busy schedules can get in the way of making time for social connections. Try bringing a friend along to something you already do, like exercising, running an errand or grabbing a meal. Don’t let technology distract you from engaging with people. Try to use social media in a positive way to connect with others, but put electronics away when spending time with people.

This month, we challenge you to do one of these activities to boost the social connections in your life:

  • Join a group, club or class related to an interest or hobby (e.g., book club, arts, sports, cooking)
  • Volunteer with an organization in your area
  • Provide social support to others, such as listening to a friend
  • If you can’t be with others in person, opt for a phone call or FaceTime
  • Get to know someone new at work or in your community

Always remember the impact of social connections on your overall health — the relationships you build can change the course of your life!

Megan DiPietro

by Megan DiPietro

Written by: Megan DiPietro