Healthy Fats

Carbs, fats and proteins, we need all three! Fats, in particular, have developed a negative stigma over time. However, healthy fats do exist, and we should be consuming them regularly. What do healthy fats do for our bodies? First, they have the ability to raise and lower our high-density lipoprotein

Challenge Your Cardio

An engine is a vital component of a car. Take care of your engine, and your will car run better, longer. Similarly, our hearts are the engine of our bodies, and cardio is one of the many ways to take care of this engine. Upon hearing the word cardio, many

5 Push-up Variations to Try

The push-up is arguably one of the best bodyweight exercises for building strength and muscle in your chest and arms. While push-ups are a tried-and-true exercise, some may find them challenging. Others may want to take theirs to the next level. Below, we’ve listed five push-up variations in order from